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If the member is a current student at Florida Atlantic University these hours will be put onto their transcript. Hours are verified with attendance records for accuracy before entering the school's system. Entering hours in the Noble Hour system is optional and is the responsibility of the member to have hours uploaded and verified by deadline dates. These dates are generally congruent with the last day of classes (NOT FINALS) by  Our Current members have the ability to log all volunteer hours for helping Splash Pals Adapted Aquatics and any event that is an affiliate with Splash Pals Adapted Aquatics. We kindly ask that you do not wait until the last minute to submit hours so we can get them verified before 5pm

Florida Atlantic University has changed the way to input hours onto Noble Hour for Fall 2016/Spring 2017. Please view instructions provided below.:

Hours Verified by Splash Pals Due: Monday, December 4th, 2017 by 11:59pm

First Time Users ONLY: Registering on NobleHour and Affiliating with FAU:
  1. Go to

  2. Click on Create an Account then click on green Start Your Profile option.

  3. Select Student for what best describes you. Click Next.

  4. Find your school's community by typing in Florida Atlantic University in the top box and 33431 in the bottom box. Click Next.

  5. Select Florida Atlantic University listing with the FAU Logo next to the listing.

  6. Select when you expect to Graduate using the fields provided, and then press Next.

  7. Complete the required fields (use your FAU email address). Select Register.

  8. A site introduction will avialiabe for first time use

Joining the Current Semester's Weppner Center (if you already joined the Weppner Center for this semester, skip this section):
  1. Log into NobleHour. Click on NobleHour Logo in the upper left to access "My Network". Click on Florida Atlantic University to redirect you to the FAU Community Page (FAU Weppner Center Logo will appear).

  2. At top of the page, select Groups.

  3. Click the link below or type in the address of the group based on your primary campus:

    1. Boca Spring 2017 Weppner Center Volunteer Group​

  4. Click the green Join button under the group name.

Entering Your Hours:
  1.  in NobleHour LogoLog into NobleHour. Click on the upper left side to access "My Network". Click on Florida Atlantic University to redirect you to the FAU Community page (FAU Weppner Center Logo will appear).

  2. At top right of page click the + icon

  3. Select Hours by clicking on the clock icon.

  4. Type in the location of your service in the "Where did you perform the work?" box. A drop-down menu will appear. Click + Add New. (If this is your second time entering hours for this opportunity, just select the opportunity in your dropdown and move on to step 6).

  5. Add the required information to the following fields:

    1. Organizer Email:

    2. Organization Name: Florida Atlantic Adapted Aquatics

    3. Contact First Name: Justin

    4. Contact Last Name: Cooke

  6. Click on the calendar icon next to Choose Dates. Select the dates you served.

  7. Enter the time for each date selected. Click Next.

  8. Check the box that says: Yes, verify my hours with the Opportunity organizer.

  9. Check the box that says: Yes, send my hours to one or more of my Groups. Select the Weppner Center Group.

  10. Click Submit. Enter your full name for the E-Signature, check box and select Confirm E-Signature.

Contributing Hours to a Group:
  1. Log into NobleHour. Click on the arrow icon in the upper right.

  2. Select the opportunity you would like to contribute. Click Next.

  3. Select your group from the Group Selection option. Click Contribute. [Do NOTselect anything in the organization box. If you would like to contribute to more than one group, you can do this in the group box.]

  4. Enter your full name for the E-Signature check box and select Done.

Agency Verifying Your Hours:
  1. After submitting your hours for approval, your agency supervisor will receive an e-mail from NobleHour. They will NOT need to register on NobleHour to verify your hours. NOTE: If the e-mail address is not in your supervisor's inbox, please ask him/her to check their spam or junk box.

  2. Ask your supervisor to click on the link in the email and follow the directions outlined on the page.

  3. Once your hour(s) have been verified by your supervisor, the Weppner Center will credit your hours for posting to your transcript. The Weppner Center reserves the right to further verify hours with the agency and/or supervisor.

Resending Hours to Supervisor for Approval:
  1. Log into NobleHour

  2.  My Submissions at the top of the page. Select the Track Select tab.

  3. Click on the "i" icon under "Info" column for the set of hours you'd like to resend the invitation.

  4. Select Send a Reminder.

As always if you have any questions, please give us a phone call, send us an e-mail, or let us know at one of our pool sessions and we will assist you the best we can!

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